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Watch movies, news, weather, politics

So what are you waiting for? In less than 5 minutes you could be watching your favorite movies, sports, TV shows right on your computer. Take advantage of this special limited time offer...

Once you download our software you can watch just about anything you want!

Watch channels you otherwise can’t get on cable, satellite or local TV. You will have access to these channels -plus- radio stations!

Was $19.95, now only $7.95 for a limited time only!

INSTANT DOWNLOAD -Get immediate access to the software once your payment has processed

1. 2000+ Worldwide Channels
2. Instant Access
3. Easy Installation
4. System requirements: Windows 98/XP/Vista or Mac!
5. Support
available 24/7

To order, simply click on the PayPal button above and you will be directed to the PayPal online secure payment page. You're only minutes away from channels you need to experience today! Once your payment has processed, you get to choose which channel to watch first. Its as simple as that!

Not convinced yet?

You will NOW be able to watch sports or news broadcasts LIVE at home or at the office!

Hundreds of channels with the latest news, weather and politics from all over the country and the world… live and uncensored! There are countless channels of ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX and PBS affiliates all over the country and the world. This means if you’re from Texas but are visiting California, you can still tune in to your local favorite news station! And you’ll be more up to date than anyone you know… especially because…

Premium Channels: You'll get access to over 120 channels, including Comedy Central, MTV Overdrive, Euro TV, Discovery Channel, Broadway Network, Game Network, MovieStat Network, National Geographic, Food Network, Rapture TV, Vintage Cartoons, Show TV…and even HDTV (high definition television) channels! These are channels you may be paying a lot of money for right now…but no longer have to!

special events · sports · music · tons of movies · football · news · even radio ...everything!!

What our customers say about us

"Nifty program for a good price. I was watching movies with my wife the first night. thanks!"
Craig Parrish

"I wanted this software after my brother-in-law mentioned it and your site. This is great, exactly what I wanted."
Roy Mercer

"This is all you need, right here. I can now watch one game on the big TV and another game on my laptop. Cool software to have around playoff time!"
Thomas Rossiter
$19.95 ONLY $7.95 Order Now!